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The Friday Five

Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 - 2:30 p.m.

Time to daydream with this week's Friday Five!

You have just won one million dollars:

1. Who do you call first?

Mom, of course.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?

A two- or three-year-old reliable car�with a block heater!!!

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?

A modest house for my sister. They need to get out of that shacky trailer more than any of the rest of my family�including myself�needs anything.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?

I would set up college scholarships for my nieces and nephews and my best friend�s kids so they wouldn�t have to start their post-college lives up to their eyeballs in debt the way I did.

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?

I�d probably invest everything else, considering that I pretty much have zilch socked away for retirement. A million dollars isn�t really that much these days. And I would invest in stocks and bonds and the like�with professional help, seeing as I�m clueless. I just know that my brother�s wise investments would have made him a wealthy man (as stated by the professional who went through his investments for us).

What do you think?

Previous: Drama over. - Next: The death of a dream.

Currently reading: Shadow Star, by George Lucas and Chris Claremont

Number of books read this year: 1 Pages: 250

Wyndspirit's Wanderings for this week: "Mini Miracles"