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My battle with depression.
Wyndspirit 101
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Why I write this diary
the way I do.

What this diary is all about.

Just so you know...

Thursday, Apr. 21, 2016 - 1:22 a.m.

I still have no comments. I'm sick of fighting to get them, I have other stuff to deal with. Just letting you know that I do not have comments. I do still have notes, but I'm not getting notifications to my e-mail anymore, either. So I'm not trying to ignore anybody. Apparently I still have Gold, if not the SuperGold I paid for, since all my graphics and pictures are still here.

I have deleted the 2002 entries so far. It's been...interesting. It's brought back happy memories and sad memories.

Even my tone has changed. Well, my tone changed a lot as I kept this diary. When I started I wasn’t really sure how it would go and I only had like a dozen readers, and I wrote to entertain. And I have enjoyed rereading those entries. Yes, I saved them all, but they aren’t “me” anymore.

Ironically, I will probably write more in here while I’m going through and deleting entries. So far I’ve only given one person the link to my “new” diary, but I want to put up a few more entries and get a feel for it before I invite people to read. I don’t think I will shut down this diary completely. It has too much sentiment for me.

I think I just realized why my tone has changed so much. When I started this, I set out to entertain. But as I got to know people on DiaryLand, it changed more to reaching out to connect with my new friends. But I think most everybody’s blog probably starts out that way.

And with that profound thought, I am going to bed. Good night!

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