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Ange - 2004-01-31 20:21:00
I'd like to join. I am mostly just curious to see how much I can read in a year, but I will shoot for the lofty 100 books or 25,000 pages as well. My participant URL is http://alwaysange.diaryland.com/100books.html . . . This is going to be fun. Thanks for putting it together!
Ange - 2004-01-31 20:27:03
Oh! And I almost forgot: I am currently reading my 3rd book and my current page count is 684 for 2004.
Ange - 2004-01-31 22:08:08
Sorry. Yes, I would prefer to go under the name Ange. I have updated my 100 Books page to include a short review and hopefully it now makes better sense. I have only read two books, and am working on book three. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
Boxx - 2004-01-31 22:18:28
I'd like to join. I do this at school with my kids. They count how many minutes they read (or are read to) it will be great to tell them how many books I am reading as well. I've only read one book since Christmas and that was The DaVinci Code. This will motivate me to read more. Thanks.
Boxx (again) - 2004-01-31 23:50:09
I gave my book away so I didn't know how many pages it was. I did as you suggested and Amazon Books lists the page count. For the record: 454. Thanks.
Suburban Island - 2004-02-13 20:46:28
Can I join your book club please!


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