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Join the 100 Books Club!

Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 - 5:13 p.m.

Welcome to the 100 Books Club!

Some of us have a goal (or dream) of reading 100 books (or 25,000 pages, for those of us who tend to read thick books) in a year.

The rest of us are just curious about how many books we (and other people) actually read in a year.

The requirements for membership are very simple.

Actually, I think I just listed them!

If you'd like to join, leave a comment or guestbook entry or shoot me an e-mail. You can use my DiaryLand e-mail or the one I set up for my Bookwyrm website: [email protected].

Give me the following information:

  1. The name you want me to use for your listing.
  2. A link if you wish, preferably to your book list or book reviews if you have such a page, but a link to a bio or your online journal/blog is also OK. (No link is required, though. I will list just your nickname if you want.)
  3. The number of books and/or pages you've read so far this year. (If you haven't been keeping count of pages but would like to, Barnes and Noble lists the page counts. I assume does as well.)

Then you contact me when you finish a book and have me update your count.

This is a web page with a simple table that shows everybody�s counts. It will be redesigned as needed depending on how many members I get. It�s off my personal page, so, yes, I get more links than you do. But that�s why I�m offering to put a link to your book stuff. Most of you have your book pages in your diaries, so visitors would have the links to your diaries, if anybody wants to read them, although I am assuming that people who click on your links will be primarily interested in your books.

What�s in it for you? Just a bit of fun, and another button to clutter up your diary! No contest, no prizes. (Although maybe I�or some kind volunteer, hint, hint�will invent an official �bookwyrm� button award for anybody who actually manages to read 100 books/25,000 pages in a year!)

Check it out!

Note: This is hosted on my own domain and is in no way associated with DiaryLand. Non-DiaryLanders are welcome!

What do you think?

Previous: The death of a dream. - Next: Almost escaped!

Currently reading: Shadow Star, by George Lucas and Chris Claremont

Number of books read this year: 1 Pages: 250

Wyndspirit's Wanderings for this week: "Mini Miracles"